Shiretto Sugee Koto Iteru Gal: Shiritsu Para no Marukoukou no Nichijou Chapter 3: Strict with otaku, but still gentle with them kinda deal

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Shiretto Sugee Koto Iteru Gal: Shiritsu Para no Marukoukou no Nichijou Chapter 3: Strict with otaku, but still gentle with them kinda deal summary

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しれっとすげぇこと言ってるギャル。ー私立パラの丸高校の日常ー ; Shiretto Sugee Koto Iteru Gal ~Shiritsu Para no Marukoukou no Nichijou~ ; The Gals Who is Always Saying Insane Things: My Daily Life at a Private Paranormal High School

, Author: Otsuji,Matsuura Taichi.